To help strengthen the muscles needed to make getting getting in and out of the car easier.
Getting in / out of the car can be difficult when you have arthritic joints, especially the knee joints. Limited range of movement in your knees and limited space of the car frame can both make this a difficult manoeuvre. Certain exercises and planning techniques can greatly improve your ability.

Factors contributing to difficulty getting in and out of the car
If you have limited flexion (bend) in one or both of you knees, getting in/out of the car is made more difficult within that confined space. If your quadriceps (front of thigh muscles) are also weak then this also compounds the difficulty as these muscles are used to lower you into the seat and to get out of the seat.
Getting in and out of the car exercises
The following exercises have been specifically grouped to help improve knee flexion (bending) and strengthen the quadriceps that can help improve physical mobility.

Sit to stand with correct technique (view video)
The aim of this exercise is to strengthen your gluteal (or buttock) muscles, strengthen your quad (or front of thigh) muscles and to improve your ability to stand up from a chair.
(Book reference Level 3 exercise 4)

Heel slide (view video)
The aim of this exercise is to improve your hip and knee mobility and to improve your hip flexor strength.
(Book reference Level 1 exercise 5)

Knee extension in sitting (view video)
The aim of this exercise is to strengthen the quads (front of thighs) muscles.
(Book reference Level 2 exercise 4b)

Mini chair squats (view video)
The aim of this exercise is to strengthen the gluteal muscles, or your buttocks, and to strengthen the quad, or front of thigh, muscles.
(Book reference Level 2 exercise 4)

Heel slide with knee to chest (view video)
The aim of this exercise is to improve your hip and knee mobility.
(Book reference Level 2 exercise 6)
Short term management strategies and tips
- Move car seat backwards to allow more room to swing legs in/out of car. Can also recline seat backwards if necessary
- Getting in: bottom onto seat first (watch head on door frame). Swing legs in as you swivel on your bottom. Readjust seat as necessary for travelling.
- Getting out: reverse actions. Use door frame to hold onto if necessary.
- Cushion/pillow may help if seat is very low.
Safety considerations
- Suggested repetitions are a guide only.
- If needed, do fewer or break the repetitions into smaller sets with a short rest in between.
- Aim to build up (over a few weeks) to doing strengthening exercise daily.
- Mild discomfort could be expected when commencing new exercises but no lasting increase in pain.
- Do not continue exercising with increasing pain or pain that is moderate to severe.
- Performing exercises too fast often reduces their effectiveness - don't be in a rush to finish, and only exercise within your physical capabilities.