Strong lower limb muscles are an important aspect of your overall osteoarthritis management.
If the Level 3 exercises are too difficult you can continue with Level 1 and 2 exercises or try doing fewer Level 3 repetitions and build up over time.
As you build your muscle strength and you can comfortably complete the Level Two exercises, progress on to the Level Three exercises. If you are having difficulty with a particular exercise in Level Three, go back to the easier exercise with the same aim in Level Two or Level One.
If you have any difficulty understanding or doing any of the suggested exercises, please consult your local physiotherapist.
Level 3 Exercise 1 - warm up
Aim: Warm up your muscles prior to doing your exercises and stretches
Level 3 Exercise 2 - balanced walking
Aim: Improve balance to lessen your chance of falling.
Level 3 Exercise 3 - standing leg squeeze
Aim: Strengthen adductor or inside thigh muscles to assist when extending or straightening your hips while walking, and going up and down stairs.
Level 3 Exercise 4 - sit to stand with correct technique
Aim: Strengthen gluteal (or buttocks), quad (or front of thigh) muscles and to improve ability to stand up from a chair. This will help you to go up and down stairs and improve your gait.
Level 3 Exercise 5 - slow kick with exercise tube
Aim: Strengthen hip flexor muscles to help you to walk up stairs and the swing phase of walking.
Level 3 Exercise 6 - side kick with exercise tube
Aim: Strengthen abductor or outside hip muscles to help keep your pelvis stable when walking and improve your balance.
Level 3 Exercise 7 - hip extension stretch
Aim: Improve hip mobility as tightness in the front of your hips can change your posture and the way you walk, and contribute to back and hip pain.
Level 3 Exercise 8 - quads muscle stretch in lying
Aim: Stretch quads or front thigh muscles and improve hip and knee mobility as tightness in the front of your hips can change your posture and the way you walk, and contribute to back and hip pain.
Level 3 Exercise 9 - active hip extension
Aim: Strengthen gluteal (buttock) muscles and stretch hip flexor or front of hip muscles to help you go up and down stairs, stand up from a chair and walking well.
Level 3 Exercise 10 - buttock or gluteal muscle stretch
Aim: Stretch gluteal muscles (buttocks) and improve hip mobility to lessen any hip pain associated with tight hips.
Level 3 Exercise 11 - groin stretch in sitting
Aim: Improve hip joint mobility and stretch inner thigh or groin muscles to lessen any hip pain associated with tight hips.
Level 3 Exercise 12 - hamstring bridges
Aim: Strengthen gluteal or buttock muscles and hamstring or back of thigh muscles to help you get out of a chair, go up and down stairs, and walk steadily, maintaining a good posture.
Level 3 Exercise 13 - step ups
Aim: Improve balance and strengthen front thigh or quad muscles. This will help going up and down stairs and make you feel steadier.
Level 3 Exercise 14 - calf raise standing on a step
Aim: Strengthen calf muscles (lower leg), stretch calf muscles and improve ankle mobility. This helps to assist with the "push off" phase of walking and maintain your balance.
Level 3 Exercise 15 - Standing hamstring muscle stretch
Aim: Stretch hamstring or back of thigh muscles to improve your posture and relieve lower back pain.
Safety considerations
- Suggested repetitions are a guide only.
- If needed, do fewer or break the repetitions into smaller sets with a short rest in between.
- Aim to build up (over a few weeks) to doing strengthening exercise daily.
- Mild discomfort could be expected when commencing new exercises but no lasting increase in pain.
- Do not continue exercising with increasing pain or pain that is moderate to severe.
- Performing exercises too fast often reduces their effectiveness - don't be in a rush to finish, and only exercise within your physical capabilities.